Leader Led Discussions
Originating from the requests of leaders and managers participating in our longer live training sessions, our Leader Led Discussion kits are the stories, case studies and exercises that we have seen ignite the best team and group discussions over the last 10 years. Stripped down to the essential elements each enables any leader or manager to lead an informal, but purposeful discussion with their team
Depending on the discussion selected from our library it may specifically re-enforce elements of core compliance awareness (Anti-Bribery, Fair Competition, Data Privacy) and help a team to reflect on and candidly discuss various elements of their working culture and pressures faced. Each discussion kit is continually evolved as manager feedback is provided and all are based on the real-world training CampbellBarr has facilitated since 2009 (35+ countries, directly with over 20,000 participants and cascaded via train the trainer to nearly 1MN participants). These are the discussions that we know work to generate team awareness, empathy, resilience and mutual care.
Therefore, pulling from the full suite of over 80 discussions we have curated the following 31 as one’s we have consistently experienced as delivering within highly pressurised and uncertain environments and which we are commercially packaging at new rates to recognise the unique period we are all operating within.
For a brief description of each discussion kit, use the menu options at the top of the page they are grouped under the broad categories of:
Decision-making and working culture
Data Privacy
Fair Competition.
Each kit includes a PowerPoint deck and a Manager’s Guide. Each will soon also have a brief audio introduction.
For further information please contact: